The debate between whether abortion should be allowed is a controversial topic around the world, dividing people into two groups: pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life advocates believe that legal abortion is no different to murder, spreading ideas of legal abortion creates the values in people’s mind that life is disposable. Whereas pro-choice advocates hold the idea that abortion is a safe medical procedure that should be offered to women. This blog will explore both sides and finally maintain the position that abortion shouldn’t be legalized.
To begin with, legalizing abortion has no difference with legalizing murder. Abortion means to kill the fetus, as all humans’ lives begin in the forms of fetus. In this case, killing a fetus in other words is killing the potential to become a human and killing a life. Allowing abortion means to promote the idea that people should have the the right to control when people die and live.
Additionally, from the prospective of the mother, no matter what the reason is for pursuing abortion, it has the potential to cause guilt in their mind. It is this guilt that may causes mental and physical problems. They may be sad, negative and pessimistic psychologically, influencing their working efficiency and their daily life. From the aspect of physical health, women’s body can be largely damaged due to abortion. The World Health Organization concludes that there are 47000 women dying from unsafe abortion. It is not hard to see that abortion largely harms the health conditions of women, so it shouldn’t be permitted.
Furthermore, legalizing abortion causes infringes on morality. The main reasons of women choosing abortion are often financial issues or inappropriate time for example girls in study age. In this case, abortion helps them to escape from the outcomes they should have be responsible for. However, to really solve the moral problem, banning abortion may be the most effective way. Such laws and regulations allow them to think carefully before all their behaviors. This means that people no longer have other choices, they need to be responsible for all the outcomes.
Some people may argue that fetuses are third parties that women have no reasons to be responsible for. It is illogical to sacrifice their own health and provide nutrition to them, therefore abortion should be allowed. However, as a third party, the fetus is still innocent. It does not have the voice or capacity to choose what to do, to eliminate its life seems barbaric, and is no differenent from killing someone
To sum up, I firmly believe that abortion shouldn’t be legalized. Not only because fetus is the begin of life and everyone should earn the chance to live and experience the world but also because abortion causes harm to both individuals and society.